Of course, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organizations, even those founded by Ralph Nader to advance justice by strengthening citizen participation in power, aren't supposed to share equipment, expenses or personnel with political campaigns. That's prohibited by federal law. We probably shouldn't hold our collective breath waiting for the Bush Administration's tax authorities to look into this matter, but it sure seems like Nader's presidential campaign may not only be reckless and selfish, but corrupting, too.There's more in Joe Conason's Salon.com article. (You'll have to click through the ads if you're not a subscriber.)
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Ralph Nader is a phony
Why would Ralph Nader not reveal where his campaign headquarters is? Perhaps because Citizen Works [a Nader 501(c)(3) and the Nader campaign are both operating out of 1400 16th Street in Washington DC.