Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Ralph Nader is a fraud, part 1

Now I'll begin an occasional series on the horribly mis-guided Ralph Nader. Our first installment features a quotation from Mark A. R. Kleiman post: Will Ralph get another free pass?:
One of the bitterest lessons I learned as a young and naive liberal staffer on Capitol Hill was that the 'public interest research' produced by the Nader groups was systematically fraudulent. Every time I actually got into an issue deeply enough to understand the details -- nuclear power, toxic waste, pharmaceutical regulation -- I discovered that the Naderites had no more respect for the facts than the industries they were fighting: in some cases, less.
(My emphasis)
Dr. Kleiman is a professor of policy studies at UCLA. He worked as a legislative assistant for Representative Les Aspin in 1974-75.