Saturday, August 20, 2005

It takes one to know one award

It angers me when a member of the pundit class calls ordinary people bad names. Intellectuals are supposed to be above name-calling and ad hominem attacks. Whenever one of these bilge-sodden pigs bladders calls ordinary people names, they get the 'it takes one to know one' prize at Ghost Town Orange.

Therefore, Christopher Hitchens has earned the nomiker Fruitbat and Nutbag:
So as well as being an hysterical paranoid ideologist, or at least being manipulated by people who are, who turned this into Camp Fruitbat and Nutbag, she has decided not to have the courage or maybe the cowardice of her conviction.
--Source: and MSNBC

Earlier winners of the Ghost Town Orange 'it takes one to know one' prize were:
Bilge-sodden pigs bladders all.

God our security,
who alone can defend us
against the principalities and powers
that rule this present age;
may we trust in no weapons
except the whole armor of faith,
that in dying we may live,
and, having nothing, we may own the world,
through Jesus Christ. AMEN
--Janet Morley, All desires known, 1988