Thursday June 2, 2005: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Drizzly morning:

Displaying my watercolor 'Cooking oatmeal in the rain'
Lake Ouachita State Park, Arkansas
June 2, 2005

We went into town to accomplish two things: find a laundry and find out more about the Hot Springs Music Festival -- tickets, addresses of venues, etc. So while the washing machines were running, Tim and I drove around town to find out where the day's rehearsals and concerts were being held. The most unique thing about the Hot Springs Music Festival is the informal atmosphere -- rehearsals are open to the public. So we finally located the Hot Springs Youth Center which is where the Festival Orchestra rehearsed and would hold the concert, got back to the laundromat to finish folding the clothes, and returned to camp for lunch.
Then to the rehearsal:

Hot Springs Music Festival Chamber Orchestra at rehearsal
Hot Springs Youth Center
June 2, 2005, 3:42 pm

We then went to dinner at a fancy hotel restaurant that served the blandest watery carrots I have ever eaten and other food I can't even remember. I will not identify the restaurant here; they must have been short-staffed that evening -- we were not having very good luck picking restaurants. Then we returned to the Hot Springs Youth Center to purchase tickets as soon as the box office was open, and also to be in time to listen to the pre-concert talk by conductor/artistic director Richard Rosenberg. [Meanwhile, the boys worried about a little bird -- see below] The spectators at the center back of this blurry photo in the yellow and blue shirts are Tim and Joe:

Hot Springs Music Festival Chamber Orchestra at concert intermission
Hot Springs Youth Center
June 2, 2005 9:17 pm

The Program:
- 'Concerto for two trumpets' by Antonio Vivaldi
[Joe's favorite] - 'L'Apprenti Sorcier' by Paul Dukas
[Mickey Mouse vs. the brooms; Tim's favorite] <>'Moses, cantata for bass and orchestra' by Nicola Scardicchio - 'Yamekraw: A Negro Rhapsody' by James Price Johnson
[This piece was orchestrated by William Grant Still; my favorite] - 'An American in Paris' by George Gershwin
[Joyce's favorite]
[first American performance; uses Hebrew and Islamic scriptures for the text]

Young bird, Hot Springs, Arkansas,
June 2, 2005

Tune in tomorrow for Day 5.
The tempter came to him [Jesus] and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' "
--Matthew 4:3-4.
[NIV; Jesus quoted part of Deuteronomy 8:3.]