And here is another TV station truck. KFDX broadcasts from Wichita Falls, Texas.

MILITARY HOLDS HEARING FOR DESERTER[Although October to March is more than two months. Mejia has already been imprisoned for two months; maybe the reporter got his or her notes mixed up.]
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
A hearing for a military deserter drew a crowd of nearly 30 protestors outside the Fort Sill gates today. The protestors were there in support of Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia. Mejia was convicted of desertion in May after he failed to return to his National Guard unit after a two week leave. Mejia argued today that his experiences in Iraq changed his perception of the war, which is why he`s asking for a conscientious objection. Alyssa Burgin with Texans for Peace Says, "Much of what he said about the particular prison where he was working has been exposed in terms of Abu Ghraib, so there seems to be little question that what he said was true."
A military representative says regardless of Mejia`s personal feelings, he should have returned after his leave and at that point, filed his objection. Instead Mejia went missing for nearly two months.