For those that think that the "War on Terror" is making us safer from the threat from "Weapons of Mass Destruction," check out this story from the wacky conservative Washington Times. Even if the story isn't true, Pakistan is a people-power coup (like Bolivia) away from having Islamist extremists with a stockpile of nuclear weapons. I wonder what pre-emptive action the US government has planned when that happens? A better question: what can be done now to insure that Islamic extremists don't gain control in Pakistan?
And here are a trio of items on the "War on Terror:"
NPR has been reporting about the increased restrictions placed on the media trying to report from Iraq. Remember most of the dignitaries that visit Iraq and proclaim how good things are going do not even stay in Iraq--they overnight in Kuwait--while they keep jacking our soldiers around and keep them posted in Iraq with no end in sight.
At least we do not have coverage of the endless parade of coffins arriving at Dover Air Force Base. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.