Last night, while Joyce attended her photography class, the boys helped me prepare dinner--a combination of stir-fry vegetables with pasta and tomato sauce. "Spaghetti plus" (but we used spirally noodles instead.)
The thing that impressed me is how eager the boys are to try different spices and how carefree they are with the amounts they add: dumping absurd amounts of turmeric, allspice, and sesame seeds into the wok. In the end, it tastes good!
I try to remember not to demand immediate obedience; I am not here to be a slave-driver. The boys accomplish more when there is a sense of fun, of playing games; not the urgency of "get it done now!" Last night, I wanted Tim to do something, and he said "Not now, I'm taking a picture of the sunset." I had to admit that that couldn't wait. He ended taking pictures of some mushroom or fungus while he was at it. (I haven't seen the pictures yet.)