Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Back to the blog

Here's some more about blogging:

a survey

about people who blog and

a quiz

for people who blog.

Here are my results for the quiz:

12.5 %

My weblog owns 12.5 % of me.

I'm not very typical: most bloggers are very young and female. About one fourth of all blogs are created and never updated (why bother to create one in the first place?) Many are abandoned after only a few months. The quiz results seem to indicate that I'll be likely to abandon my blog. But they don't know my commitment* to keeping this "news diary."
Only 50,000 blogs are updated daily. (I have missed a day or two since I've started.) I am still goofing with html tags html tagshtml tags!!! What happens if I do that?

I notice that some of the links have migrated to the bottom of the page. The Columbus stamp picture must be too wide? Perhaps they will correct themselves when Columbus scrolls down? I don't want to mess with the template today.

*My commitment is strong if I can continue to do this for free!