Monday, October 20, 2003

Psy-Ops target us

Here's an article explaining how we are being manipulated by false stories about Iraq. From US News website (pdf file, 4767Kb). Be patient--it takes a while to download.
Truth from These Podia
Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence, Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic Psychological Operations in Gulf II
Sam Gardiner
Colonel, USAF (Retired)
"The author has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, Air War College and Naval War College. He was recently a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defence College. During Gulf II he was a regular on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as well as on BBC radio and television, and National Public Radio.
The study was not funded by any organization, and the author’s arguments are not meant to represent those of any organization."
• Clearly, the assumption of some in the government is the people
of the United States and the United Kingdom will come to a
wrong decision if they are the given truth.
• We probably have taken “Information Warfare” too far.
• We allowed strategic psychological operations to.
become part of public affairs.
• We failed to make adequate distinction between strategic
influence stuff and intelligence.
• Message became more important than performance.