Saturday, May 22, 2004

Chalabi -- Spy for Iran

Even right-wing freepers know that something's fishy about Ahmed Chalabi--[quote from New York Post]
May 3, 2004 -- WASHINGTON - U.S. spy agencies claim Iraqi leader Ahmed Chalabi, who has close Pentagon ties, may have given Iran's ayatollahs some top-secret tips on U.S. actions in Iraq and that could "get people killed," it was reported yesterday. The Newsweek report claims electronic intercepts show Chalabi gave Iran "sensitive" tips about U.S. political plans in Iraq - but gives no details - and says there are "indications" that Chalabi leaked details of U.S. security operations.
A Chalabi aide dismissed the report as "absolutely false" - and some Pentagon officials countered that Chalabi had provided information that saved American lives. The anti-Chalabi leak to Newsweek appears to be part of the behind-the-scenes struggle for power and influence in Iraq when sovereignty is transferred on June 30, leading to elections next year.

Chalabi, who heads the Iraqi National Congress, has been favored by some Pentagon officials to become leader of a free Iraq - but the CIA and State Department have a long and intense dislike for him.

"Rushing to judgment and cutting off this relationship could have unintended consequences," one Pentagon official said.

But the CIA and State Department are pushing the claim that Chalabi is playing a double game with Iran's fundamentalist ayatollahs, Newsweek said.
Scroll down to the comments to see who the right-wingers blame. Yep--Clinton holdovers and treasonous moles in the State Department and CIA:
  • Or maybe Hillary still has a few moles deep in the bowels of goverment.
  • Clinton-infested State Department and The Company competent in drug running but not competent enough to predict the fall of Soviet Empire.
  • I am convinced that the entrenched beaurocrats [sic] left over from previous admins are fighting tooth and nail to destroy President Bush and his efforts.
  • do not dispute "Chalabi" may very well have character flaws. HOwever, any finger pointing that comes from the State Department after they did nothing to put an end to that UN "Oil for rotten Food" program scam, hardly gives them credibility to have a say about "Chalabi".
  • It couldn't possibly be Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Feith at fault, now could it?

    Jesus said to his disciples, "On that day you will ask nothing of me. Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete."
    --John 16:23-24