Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Halliburton protest links

Fellow Oklahoma Mennonite J. M. Branum knows Two Oklahoma Greens among the 16 arrested at the Halliburton protests in Duncan
He also provides links to 'mainstream' and 'alternative' stories about the protests.

But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.--Matthew 13:16
Behold, behold, behold! You have eyes to see, but how often you miss seeing My blessing and My hand at work! Blindness still cover your sight, because you do not look into and beyond the surface of the things around you. I am offering you in these latter days a new depth of insight into the realities around you. You have preferred the surface-look because it did not disturb your fixed and "rational" ways of thinking. But I call you to a more mature and realistic walk in these days. Behold. Look deper. Don't be put off by surface answers and explanations. I am at work in every situation for good. And you are to announce that over and over again--for your sake and for the sake of others. Be faithful.
--Hal M. Helms, Echoes of Eternity: Listening to the Father, 1996.
[bold emphasis added]