Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Halliburton Protest in Duncan--photo of the sixteen activists out of jail

This photo was taken about an hour ago, just after the sixteen protesters had been released from the Stephens County Jail. They had been arrested this morning in a civil disobedience action at the Halliburton shareholders meeting in Duncan.

I have many more snapshots to post, but first I need to shrink them down to web-friendly size. I will try to provide somewhat accurate captions, but I am sure to mis-spell names, etc.

I hope I am not being paranoid, but a Halliburton pickup did follow me down my cul-de-sac as I drove home from the Courthouse. My friends at Halliburton should know that I am not very liable to being intimidated, because I know that the Lord is with me.

God our security,
who alone can defend us
against the principalities and powers
that rule this present age;
may we trust in no weapons
except the whole armor of faith,
that in dying we may live,
and, having nothing, we may own the world,
through Jesus Christ. AMEN
--Janet Morley, All desires known, 1988