Sunday, April 11, 2004

Justice Scalia has reporters tapes erased

Justice Scalia must think he's an emperor: Legal Experts Express Concern About Erasure of Scalia Tapes. But one wouldn't expect him to have much use for the 4th Amendment.


April 12, 8:15 PM
I apologize to Justice Scalia: it was the US Marshall's fault (from
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has apologized to the two reporters whose audio recorders were seized during a speech that the Justice gave last week at a high school in Hattiesburg, Miss.

In a letter to Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Executive Director Lucy Dalglish, Scalia said he didn't approve of the actions by a U.S. Marshal, who seized the recorders and ordered the recordings erased. "You were correct that the action was not taken at my direction; I was upset as you were," Scalia wrote. "I have written to the reporters involved, extending my apology."
Justice Scalia said that he is revising his 'media policy' to allow print journalists to tape-record his appearances; he still does not want to be recorded or video-ed for broadcast.