I watched the first half-hour of Bound for Glory while taping it last night. It starts so slowly I kept dozing off. Maybe it'll be better when I'm more awake.
This afternoon, the boys and I watched The Sea Hawk, from 1924. It was a little difficult keeping track of the characters--most of the men wore goatees and dressed in those ridiculous frilly Elizabethan era costumes. Pirates, an 'honor killing,' brother betrays brother, fiance taking sides with the guilty brother, revenge. The music score is by Robert Israel, who I remember performing for several silent movies in Los Angeles in the mid-1980s (both at the Nu-Art and UCLA's Melnitz Hall.) He is a master of the forgotten art of movie accompaniment.
We also watched Saving Private Ryan. Every good war movie is ultimately an anti-war movie. (Although the makers probably thought they were quite 'patriotic.')
Tonight, we'll record Charlie Chaplin's The Circus, which I don't remember seeing before.
The boys want to catch the beginning of the new Survivor. My favorite is Rupert: he's about my age and has a bushy beard. He looks like a pirate.