I have yet to update the 'Other Favorites' and "Stamp Collecting Links'--more updates to come!
I deleted the Ghost Town Orange Weather service and upcoming news service although the original posts they link to are still there...maybe I'll update it with my current location...
More columnists have been added to the favorite columnist list. I suppose I could add Paul Krugman and Stanley Fish from the New York Times...
I really need to update the picture at the top...
I deleted the Ghost Town Orange Weather service and upcoming news service although the original posts they link to are still there...maybe I'll update it with my current location...
More columnists have been added to the favorite columnist list. I suppose I could add Paul Krugman and Stanley Fish from the New York Times...
I really need to update the picture at the top...
The technical imperfections occasionally seen in these posts are original flaws inherent given human fallibility. They are presented for their historic value and should be judged in that context. Loose threads and fraying seams are evidence of this handcrafted blog's extreme high quality.