It is odd how conservatives can coarsen discourse and still claim to be so moral. Here, the gesture of an Iraqi voter is interpreted as 'giving insurgents the finger':

Click on cartoon to visit the source page, filled with ads for speculators in the Iraqi currency and 'thank-yous' to Tony Blair for joining the Coalition of the Willing.
'Giving someone the finger' used to mean 'flipping someone off', i.e. using the middle finger in a very rude gesture. Obviously, the Iraqi voter is not flipping anyone off; she is proudly showing that she voted. A positive gesture is transformed by a witless cartoonist into a negative gesture so the 101st keyboarders can have a good chuckle.
By the way, it was no surprise that Shia Muslim Iraqis voted in large numbers. The dis-empowered Sunnis are another matter.

'Giving someone the finger' used to mean 'flipping someone off', i.e. using the middle finger in a very rude gesture. Obviously, the Iraqi voter is not flipping anyone off; she is proudly showing that she voted. A positive gesture is transformed by a witless cartoonist into a negative gesture so the 101st keyboarders can have a good chuckle.
By the way, it was no surprise that Shia Muslim Iraqis voted in large numbers. The dis-empowered Sunnis are another matter.
This is a day of new beginnings,
time to remember and move on,
time to believe what love is bringing,
laying to rest the pain that's gone.
For by the life and death of Jesus,
God's mighty Spirit, now as then,
can make for us a world of difference,
as faith and hope are born again.
--Brian Wren
This is a day of new beginnings, 1978, alt.
(1st 2 verses)
time to remember and move on,
time to believe what love is bringing,
laying to rest the pain that's gone.
For by the life and death of Jesus,
God's mighty Spirit, now as then,
can make for us a world of difference,
as faith and hope are born again.
--Brian Wren
This is a day of new beginnings, 1978, alt.
(1st 2 verses)